Personal Mission Statement
To maintain balance in all aspects of my health while exploring new opportunities with an open mind as I encourage and assist others in living their best life. I will be a person who leads by example with a kind heart and an attitude of gratitude. Someone who spreads a smile and uses my success and struggles to help others see their self-worth and take their power back.
I'm Taylor, and in my short 25 years, I’ve concluded that my life’s purpose is to help others to become the best version of themselves in order to take on the challenges of life.
Why would I want to take on such a charitable task? Because I’ve been challenged by life. Life has defeated me several times, and each time, I’ve learned a new way to pick myself back up. As predictable and cliche as that sounded, all of the tools I’ve learned deserve to be passed on. The decline in America’s health is something that I believe can be changed. Understanding the value of one’s health is the greatest weapon we have. It’s my interests in physical, emotional, and mental health that have allowed me to be alive to write this.
Exactly one month before my 10th birthday, I faced a nightmarish obstacle. A blood sugar of 600+ qualified me for the broken pancreas club. Type 1 diabetes* was my new best friend. Eventually, I accepted the daily poking and prodding of needles ( I can now grab a handful of tacs if that’s impressive) and the evolution of food into carbohydrate numbers. I was only 10 and had yet to realize that this would carry through the rest of my life. When I did realize it, I wish I’d known it didn’t have to be a burden but a source of which to fuel my life’s purpose.
A chronic illness is one of the most difficult challenges to face at a young age. It doesn’t go away, so you have to improve how you deal with it (because you can hardly ever “manage” it). If you don’t, it can turn you into your own worst enemy.
Trust me. Been there, did that.
After struggling my way through over a year long burnout phase, I stopped lying to myself. I stopped distracting myself from reality and started to accept myself for who I was. Most importantly, I gradually eliminated the excuses. The two most important takeaways that I still use today:
1) Not checking your blood sugar will not change what it is, but checking it now can change what it is later. And
2) I’m the only one who can make those changes.
I’ll keep the deeper details for my book and cut to the conclusion.
It took anger, frustration, grief, and misery to give me the will to change. A long way beyond fed up of struggling to function normally, I took the miniscule, wobbly first steps that began to plow the trail to where I am today. I ate right because I wanted to. I worked out because it felt good. I leaned on the promise of a new day and positive affirmations to get me through the current and uncomfortable one. My life started here.
I still gave up. I treaded water often. I ate wrong. I exercised wrong. I thought I’d never be happy with myself enough to smile back in the mirror. What mattered then were the times I chose to keep going. I believed in change and overcame fears (uh, carbs). I woke up the next morning and forgave myself. Today, moments of happiness and laughter are ones I cherish and capture for those moments when the relief feels impossible.
All in all, I have a story that I’m proud of. Every day is a blank canvas in which I can sketch out my past or paint my future (whoa! Going deep, Oprah.)
Let’s take this Nimbus 2000 to the present where I’ve completed two years of college to earn my Associate’s degree in nutrition and dietetics followed by three more years to earn my Bachelor’s degree in exercise science. Along the way, I’ll be using this blog to encourage care of all aspects of personal health and to help keep myself educated on the latest research and trends. Also, I’ll share more about my journey and how I’m dealing with a recent diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Whether you’re starting your own journey or you’re in the midst of it (because it’s a lifestyle that doesn’t end until you do), I hope you’ll reach out to me. Teach me. Challenge me. Join me.
But first... here are a fewer minor details I feel you need to know.
I am...
pro-lifestyle change
a lover of all vegetables
not a runner
but a dancer
a chronic napper
a self-proclaimed hypochondriac
a flipper of the bird to anxiety
an overachiever
a laugher of fart noises
a believer in the health benefits of wine (and now CBD)
a yoga newbie
a fangirl of too many things to name