After pondering and hoping and dreaming and every other thing but doing for over a year now, I’m jumping. I’m choosing to accept the “learn as you go” method and embracing it because it’s been the best life survival tool so far. Why not for this dream, too?

In a perfect world, the organization and ideas would be clear. Presentation sparkling with professionalism. Messages clean and to the point. But then, this space wouldn’t be mine. It wouldn’t be authentic nor at all representative of my goal. I don’t want perfect on this page because perfect isn’t real, and so much of what we see in our day-to-day lives aren’t real.
This world needs to be fed a more raw and vulnerable diet of reality. It’s all I’ve ever known how to do, even if most of the time I have no idea how to do it. How do you take the hard stuff and put it out there? How do you share what you’re taught to keep inside until it eats you alive and turns you into exactly what you’re not? And then, how do you share the good, the beautiful, the unbelievable, yet keep it real so others know it’s achievable for them, too?
I’m not here to wallow in the negative spaces nor will I boast about the goodness of life much beyond the Disney-wishes-come-true-with-fairies-and-princesses vibe. But, I’ll share it- the stories, the mistakes, the wins, the inappropriate humor that questions my maturity- because I have learned, and continue to learn, something every damn time. From others. From places. From feelings.
I think that’s the point of all of this:
To get out there and find something to take away
and cultivate our personal toolbox for survival.
To grow and change and just be a little better than we were yesterday.
I’m beyond the point of excessive gratitude when it comes to the last few years. Numerous big, beautiful moments collided with challenging, dark ones and were woven together with small, hidden gems in between. They’ve all inspired and motivated me to do more with my life. To get involved and to give back. To remember that my struggles- no matter how small in an unnecessary world of comparison, are my strengths. I’m here to live a brilliant life, and I’ve felt it in my soul and in my bones for my entire existence.
Here is where I’m documenting that journey of finding my purpose and fulfilling it. May you visit with the intention to learn, laugh, cry, create and dance with me along the way. I hope you become unafraid to share with me in return because as much as I believe in my journey-
I believe in YOU.