Hi Friends!
Welcome to my world!
I appreciate that you're taking time from your day to explore my space.
If I may ask, what lured you here? Curiosity over some flashy posts? A relation to my previous writings? Are you seeking inspiration? Maybe you want to learn how to begin to share your story? To set yourself free?
Wait...I know! It's connection.
Connection is one of my main purposes for creating this blog. As a vessel for sharing my story, I intend for it to inspire others to train themselves- physically, mentally and a little bit new-age spiritually- to own their life, their time, and their energy.
Connecting with other humans is my best recommendation for doing so. We can offer a lot to one another. You have a lot to offer me as I do to you.
I'm open to connect. Anytime.
Be sure to check out my little welcome video below, and please, freely click around! Creep. Like some stuff. Subscribe.
Let's connect and be free. Let's be invincible.
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About Us
Taylor Lane is a 25 year old optimistic entrepreneur who's 15 year battle with type one diabetes has developed her passion for health and fitness! Formerly, she studied exercise science at Saint Joseph's College of Maine after having obtained her Associates degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. In September of 2018, Taylor made her first major dream a reality: she moved across the country to Los Angeles, California. Beginning with this blog, Taylor aims to get her story to a bookshelf- or tablet- near you with the ultimate goal to launch a motivational speaking tour. When she's not sweating it out on her yoga mat or striving to help others realize their potential, Taylor enjoys trying new recipes, writing, dancing, reading of all sorts, talking about her greatest inspirations and attempting to organize her life.
Mantra to live by: Present not perfect.
*Photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Respectfully, all photos belong to their original owner.