Behold. An icon.
Jillian Michaels is a powerhouse like no other. A creative mastermind and queen of the health a fitness industry. QUEEN. International fitness guru, all around badass super star, yadda, yadda, yadda… and human being.
If for some bizarre reason you’ve never heard of Jillian Michaels, you definitely live deep in the Earth or ocean or somewhere you never see the light of day. If you know her as that psycho who yells at severely overweight people on treadmills, you’re not the only one, but you’re still behind the times.

Yes, Jillian has a history of being, shall we say, not so nice of a fitness trainer. But, let’s get that out of your head. Today, she’s not telling you to get on the treadmill or to get that Cheeto out of your mouth and into the trash where it belongs.
Today, I’m here to bring the real Jill to the table. She’s unknowingly held me together through my years of growth, and from her I’ve gained some raw knowledge and outlook on life. As my mentor for as long as I’ve desired entrance to the health and fitness industry, Jillian has shaped my views on controversial toppings and inspired my next level sass. Although I’ve sworn at her more times than I could count (especially when she canceled her tour to which I had front row seats and a meet and greet), I have extraordinary gratitude for her influence and modeled fearlessness. She’s truly the fiercest woman I could admire.
Although I may desire telling her journey like a bedtime story, that’s not the intention of this post, so if you want some straight up facts about Jillian, check out her website Now, continue on to see just why she’s everything I profess her to be and more.
*Before we get on with things, I want to mention that I debated attaching a warning to this for minor cursing, but I heard Jillian in the back of my mind saying “why the fuck is that necessary?” So, let’s just be adults here and acknowledge the potential fiery motivation behind good F-bomb placement.
1. Her Parenting
First of all, split or not, Heidi and Jill will be one of my favorite real-life couples of all time. They’re a beautiful balance and a complimenting partnership. Jillian’s 2016 reality show, Just Jillian, made this even more clear why. And I, not really a child person whatsoever, has loved watching her littles develop these distinctly creative personalities. There are many reasons why, despite my personal lack of interest in parenthood, I think of Jillian as parenting goals.
She’s deeply involved in Lu and Phoenix’s emotional health as well as their physical health. She’s allowed them to be expressive and curious beings in every way they choose, and she answers their questions truthfully without shielding them from harsh realities.
I think Cinderella’s probably pretty disillusioned with the real world. She was supposed to grow up in a fairytale. There aren’t enough opportunities for young women these days. – Jillian to her daughter, Lu, when asked about Cinderella
She’s a solid believer in self-defense. Both of her kids are involved in martial arts which is exactly how she developed her self esteem to stand up to her own bullies as a teenager. Watch her school a young Phoenix on holding his own on the playground.
She teaches her kids what qualities are important and doesn’t care as much about the rest. Jillian is realistic about swearing, knowing there’s little she can do to prevent her kids from learning these words and instead teaches them how and when it’s acceptable. I love, love, LOVE her answer to the question below.

No one, not even Jillian, is perfect at parenting. Everyone messes up there kid(s) in ways they likely don’t realize, but I greatly admire Jill’s persistence on being a realistic open book for Phoenix (@phoenixmichaelsrhoades) and Lu (@pennygoldilocksgold) as they take on the challenges we all face growing up.
2. She’s basically Ghandi. If Ghandi swore like a sailor.
Take me to church, Jill. Now, if I affiliated with any religion, she would be my spiritual leader. I don’t wish I was kidding.
Her podcasts especially are- well, usually are- full of deep wisdom. One of my personal favorite gems that I took away from one long ago will always be:
The grass is greener where you water it.
Which translates to taking responsibility for your life. Instead of waiting for something to make you happier, find the good in where you are, and make the best out of that along the way. Stop wishing. Start watering.
When listening to Jillian be it an interview, her podcasts, her workouts and/or her voice in your head as you read her books, something in her voice makes her words hit home. It just melts me into a goddamn puddle even when I’m dripping sweat and about to puke on my feet. She is true talent when it comes to pulling little nuggets of awe-inspiring truth from every experience. Lessons in open-mindedness, being present, fighting for yourself and not giving a fuck are common morals to the stories she shares.
I’d love to list all of my favorite bits of advice, but if you’re in need of some optimism or a plain and simple kick in the ass, here’s something for you.
3. Her Humor
She’s such a child. A prankster. A shit stirrer. A rebel.
It’s freeing to experience and has helped me completely embrace my own totally twisted and childish qualities. I mean, there are few real gems on this Earth who appreciate a good fart noise the way this chica and I do.
One of my favorite laughs was on her reality show from two years ago when, against all warning from Heidi, she provided male strippers for her (now ex-) mother-in-law’s birthday party. Poor Grandma Joyce.
She gets (and shares) some of the best laughs from her own life, too. These usually come to the surface during moments of “I’m too famous for this” which is my favorite podcast segment. Like the time she went door to door looking for her mother’s cat.
“I’m a celebrity. When a celebrity comes to your door, you think you’ve won something. I’m like no, no you haven’t because I’m too famous but not quite famous enough for it to be that show.” -Jillian jokes on the podcast
Or chasing their pet pig, Stella, around the yard or picking up chickens from the post office for Heidi and having to look for a “missing” one. I’ve been in tears with laughter just from listening to how dramatically she tells each tale.
But really, her poor assistance man, I feel for them most. Also, Giancarlo.
4. Her Love for Animals
“1 pig, 4 horses, 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, 1 parrot, 14 chickens, 4 ducks, a wild goose, TONS of fish, a desert tortoise,” Jillian lists on her blog. Her former partner and now friend, Heidi, owns a farm if that explains it at all. But, it doesn’t help that Jillian simply can’t say no. She’s a huge promoter of rescuing and all of her dogs have been rescues.
While it sounds as if the pig has quite the personality and comfort animal skills, my personal favorite of her brood is the Bonz aka the parrot (see photo below). Their bond is something else, and he seems to have a fierce loyalty to Jill.
If you’re an animal lover, follow Jillian on social media (I’ll put her links below), as she’s always sharing legitimate ways to get involved.
5. Always exposing herself- to new things.
Talk about a world traveler. Jillian has been nearly everywhere and has experienced so much culture which has given her quite the outlook on Americanism. Her podcast on this was really eye-opening as far as how other countries view and treat Americans. Also, the fact that Americans can be entitled asshats beyond their home country is a shameful thought.
Of all her travel tales, I especially love listening to her talk about how Haiti changed her life back before and during the two and a half years she was visiting her now adopted daughter, Lu. The stories from the horrific conditions she lived in while there to trying to bathe her daughter and fall sleep each night are eye-opening.
Sadly, she has the absolute worst vacation luck. Like the time she was on a yacht in Italy caught in a scam and nearly held captive, or my favorite story about rafting the Zambezi and almost dying. Let’s not forget Norway this past New Years feat. walks in a blizzard, her business partner, Giancarlo’s, diarrhea escapade, and going to the wrong airport. These are the best stories to make you appreciate the little things that might go wrong on a vacation.
It would be a dream to travel the world with Jillian’s wisdom to see it through her eyes, but I wouldn’t chance it.
6. Dat Knowledge

She doesn’t get nearly enough credit for this. On top of being cultured, Jillian submerses herself in all the research. She’s well rounded when it comes to all stages of life. She’s covered weight loss, maintenance, pregnancy, and self-help and is about to tackle aging in her new book out in November.
With a plethora of many friends and contacts in her areas of interest, Jillian is on top of the game in the health and wellness industry. with clean beauty experts, dermatologists, registered dieticians, pediatricians, endocrinologists, financial advisors, etc in her back pocket. She’s built a team of the best physicians and specialists when it comes to writing her books so that they are the most factual and credible. As for herself, Jillian has not one but two of the leading personal trainer certifications as well as specialty certifications as stated on her website.
I know I can always, always trust anything that comes from her mouth or her pen because she’s researched it and is prepared to tell you the whys and the hows of it all (or will dig out her phone to contact another trusted individual who can). Proof that you don’t need a college degree to make it big. Know your shit and work your ass off with passion.
7. She’s relatable.
I said she is. I didn’t say her abs were, ok. But Jillian has that common, rising above, overcoming bullying, substance abuse and emotional trauma kind of story which too many can relate. She once told the HuffPost how she felt she was in “pure hell” as that girl on the far left. I think that was what really made me fall in love with her. Her openness and ability to embrace the real-life story that made her the name she is today kinda vibe. It was revolutionary body positivity when she first was making a name for herself.
Generally speaking, Jillian wears many hats which most women can relate to as well. She’s a career woman, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a human being. And she struggles to balance it, even breaking down on her reality show multiple times when feeling torn between motherhood, partner responsibilities and the challenges of being a business owner. It doesn’t matter who you are, the resources you have or what you do. The fact is that life is hard.
Life is hard and has it’s ups and downs, it’s unfair, horrible shit happens to good people all the fucking time. – Jillian in an interview with Atelier Doré
And, the most revolutionary fact about Jillian of them all? She actually doesn’t like working out. Especially running. I know for a fact that any potentially sane person can relate to that.
8. She’s completely and unapologetically herself.

There’s no faking it for TV (except the fact she usually can’t swear).
Having watched and read everything Jillian’s put out there for nearly a decade, nothing about her reality TV show surprised me. I’ve never once seen anything about her that felt out of character or made me look at her in a different (i.e. negative) light, and I’ve never been disappointed by how she’s portrayed herself. The population of those in Hollywood who is this level of authentic is fearfully sparse. The girl’s got her moments of, “hey, I’m a celebrity so I shouldn’t have to do this,” but it’s all in how she owns it and does the thing anyway which makes it humorous and more acceptable.

And sure, it took her some time to open up about her sexuality and her relationship with Heidi, but she absolutely doesn’t let other’s opinions about it limit her or interfere with her lifestyle. On that note, when she’s super passionate about something, she’s unapologetic in voicing her opinion. Even if it’s against the majority. She stood up for herself on the Biggest Loser time and time again when she felt more harm than good was being done.
I greatly admire how she lives with no filter and a level of admirable confidence, integrity and transparency. Better yet, she passes on these values to her two children and encourages them to embrace their individualities.
9. She’s career. Goals. A boss babe. All around badass.
I mean, look at her instagram. She’s literally Jillian (Motha F*ckn) Michaels.
Name a better title. I challenge you.
Jillian has been named the “foremost fitness expert in the world (x).” She’s built an international EMPIRE. I could list you her (New York Times Bestselling) books, DVDs, the innovative products she’s invested in, the international tours, the programs she’s created, and so much more. Her name is one of the most well-known brands aka everything I dream of and more.

Despite the fact that her business partner, Giancarlo Chersich, is a male, Jillian totally wears the pants and doesn’t let him get away with shit. It’s brilliant comedy yet super empowering for women’s rights.
Have I mentioned that she’s also a black belt?
As often seen in her social media fitness challenges, Jillian’s physical abilities alone are psychotic. Just, in her words, “kind of stupid and rude.” From superman pushups to squatting on a foam roller. If I ever hurt myself trying to be like her, I’d probably say thank
10. Her heart.
She tries to hide it. Really she does.
There’s a reason Jillian prefers the title of life coach over fitness trainer. She doesn’t care as much about whether someone has abs compared to their status of overall health and wellbeing. If you’ve followed her at all from the Biggest Loser (gag me) days, it’s evident that she doesn’t always follow her once set in stone rules to health and happiness. I think the reality of raising children has changed her perspective even more as well as contributing to her slight softness (sssshhh, she cannot know I think that).
She also loves meeting those whose lives she’s impacted and won’t take any credit for the work anyone has done on themselves. She just delivers the resources. But she’ll support the heck right out of changes that occur along the way and she’s always posting motivational transformation stories from her widely reaching community.
One reason I was over the moon about meeting her on the tour she unfortunately canceled, was because I’d seen how essential it was to her that everyone got their minute. When security tried to rush fans through the meet and greet in the past, Jillian put a heartfelt stop and let these people speak.
I don’t want them to regret getting rushed off or not being able to get it out. – Jillian says about meeting fans on tour (credit: Just Jillian)
Now, if you still don’t believe me, grab a tissue and open this letter she wrote to her children.
There you have it.
To conclude this love fest, I want to add that Jillian paid me for none of this. She won’t even let me watch her children (probably her best judgment call). I felt compelled to write this simply because she’s impacted the best parts of my health and fitness journey. Also, I believe in having role models and mentors who are where you want to be in life. Someone who is living the dream you are chasing because that is truly powerful motivation. Most importantly, choose someone who’s not afraid to be as real about their failures as they are about their successes.
Also, due to the reality that we’re the same person, this is actually me as I write this post, hijacking everything off of Jillian’s social media and website like it’s mine.

But really, we had to have been twins or siblings or even married in a former life.
And on that note… Thank you, Jill, for being a ray of light and passion and self-acceptance. Thank you for working your ass off to accomplish everything you have. Thank you for showing that it’s possible if you want something while being the realist of the real. I can’t wait to give you a big ‘ol hug and to do a super man push-up together some day.
For anyone interested here are Jill’s socials: