This post has been sitting in my drafts for some time. It just so happens I rediscovered it days before my 25th birthday. Things have a funny way of working out, and I’m continuously awed by those simple life moments.
I’m also in awe of how closely I know myself and how strongly I’ve come to embrace it. How boldly I can talk about myself like most can talk about a best friend or a lover. And, I refused to believe that leads me to be self absorbed and narcissistic. I do believe it gives me power. Power I wish I’d had ten or even five years ago. Even more power to look forward to as I continue to better myself.
Now, my birthday celebrations may be over, but I still am and will continue to celebrate the best parts of me daily. Here are 25 morsels of facts, intertwined with genuine honesty and humor, that I’m choosing to embrace most about being Taylor at 25:

1. I have two college degrees:
Associates in Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
2. I grew up admiring so many of my favorite stars before I even knew what that meant. And, I’m still adding to the bunch. However, two strong and feisty ladies have been my biggest influences: Jillian Michaels and Paula Abdul. I like to think I’m a mix of Jillian’s sass and Paula’s heart.
3. I’ve freakin’ met Janet Jackson. It was like 10 seconds.

4. My ultimate dream for a long time has been to work on the Today Show. Nothing specific. Even just polishing Kathie Lee and Hoda’s wine glasses every morning.

5. OMG, I hate running. Give me burpees all day.
6. Coffee is the foundation of my functioning. And, I’m a major snob about it. Don’t come at me with that cream and sugar nonsense.
7. My fears include closed amusement/theme parks at night, dying in a fiery car crash, being confined in small spaces, losing things (anything), and drowning, to name a few.
8. I may have grown up in Maine, but do not ask me to even touch a lobster.
9. Journals, planners and pens are kind of a problem for me. Always wishing I could be as organized as they’re intended to help me become.
10. I believe in ghosts, psychics and life on other planets. I believe in karma, and I live by “everything happens for a reason.” I believe in energy- reading it, feeling it and influencing it. I’ve never related to religion and over the years have found this to make the most sense to me.
11. At the moment, I have three tattoos related to Harry Potter, diabetes and my squad.
12. My stripper song is Pour Some Sugar on Me. Funny because…diabetes.

13. I used to collect autographs. My favorite authentic and personalized ones are from Betty White and Florence Henderson.
14. Sports? I played tennis for 3 years. I think I might have won a match. Watching the New England Patriots under a blanket on the couch is as sporty as I get nowadays.
15. I thoroughly enjoy handwriting everything. Notes, lists, these posts. My handwriting often reflects my mood. From it I can tell when I’m more in flow with my words and thoughts versus when I’m feeling anxious or genuinely uninspired and everything is coming out scattered and forced.
16. My TV guilty pleasures include the Chicago trio (Med, Fire, PD) and more Big Bang Theory than I want to admit. America’s Got Talent is the only competition reality show consumed by this former junkie (it’s for Simon).

17. There’s no such thing as too much peanut butter. Unfortunately, the same isn’t true for brussel sprouts.
18. My favorite jokes involve bodily functions.
19. Nicknames: Nap Queen, TaylorMade, Tay, Tayter, Thunder Lizard, Flat-beak Cat-burglar, Thing 1- to name a few.
20. My favorite college class was Oral Communications. It was terrifying but changed my entire attitude around speaking and presenting in front of people. Plus, it’s opened me up to a world of possibilities for sharing my story.
21. I can be an ultimate fangirl. Yet, I’ve come to passionately despise the word “fan” and it’s implication of an unequal relationship. Other terms I prefer to use in reference are “admirer of” and “influenced by.”
22. I played the flute for 9 years including for a movie that was on Netflix once. I’ve only ever watched that one scene.

23. I think my favorite song of all time is Life Ain’t Always Beautiful by Gary Allan. I’ve turned to it a lot in moments of both light and darkness.
24. Thankfully, I’m not a fish because I can’t swim.
25. Oh, and my pancreas preferably runs on Energizer. I actually love having diabetes and all that it’s helped me to become.
25 years, man. One-quarter of a century. It feels like I’ve acquired a lot of life knowledge in a short amount of time, and I can’t wait to see what the next 25 bring. No rush though. The years are going faster, yet are continuously filled with more adventure. I already have enough to write a book, and maybe I am.
For now, I’ll leave you with one ultimate take away to sum up a novel’s worth of the wisdom I’ve developed in these two and a half decades of living boldly. Something that I feel is most essential in maintaining life quality.
Hmmmm… ok. I have it. I have four words.
Embrace. Ya damn. Self.

That’s it. That’s the best I’ve got. However, it’s the best because it sets you free. Opens you up and forces you to be consistent with your actions whether everyone agrees with you (not possible anyway) or not. Trust your gut instinct. Not twitter. Not instagram. And, most definitely not Facebook. Not everyone will appreciate your courage. Some will leave. Let them. Those who stay and the newbies you’ll attract will enrich your life in ways you didn’t know you needed.
Laugh at your own jokes.
Confess your weaknesses. i.e. I have no idea what to do with makeup.
Speak up if you don’t want to be involved in drama that’s not yours. Speak up if you don’t want to be involved in your own drama.
Go to bed at 9pm on a Friday, and don’t let one damn person make you feel guilty about it.
It’s ok to have your own opinions and thoughts and reactions (or non-reactions) based on your instincts. They’re meant to set you apart. They’re meant to stray from the norm so you can present bold and unique ideas that cause change.
Embracing yourself and knowing yourself fully requires a type of bravery that’s difficult to achieve outside of yourself. And, as Sara Bareilles elegantly sang it, I want to see you be brave.
