So, I’ve made it an entire month and a half. And, I’ve only quit about eight times in the process. There have most definitely been some really trying days where I’m just too tired to care. Too drained for it to matter where I’m sleeping or how I’m getting from point A to B. Too overwhelmed to think about what I’m eating for dinner (probably Chipotle at least 3x per week) or what I’ll have for lunch tomorrow.
How am I still here? Why am I still here if I have yet to find a place to live and have been paying more than double of what I can afford for rent? Why am I still fighting a battle that could be easily solved with a plane ticket back to my bed in Maine.
It’s one simple reason: the moments of pure magic.
There has yet to be a day which fails to stop me in my tracks or knock me into bed without a moment of “whoa.” Suddenly, something has come together. A piece in the “why” puzzle. Why I’m here. Why I met this person. Why I’m staying in this location or walked into that store. There are reasons every single time, and I don’t always see them until a day or two down the road.
Out of the numerous enlightening experiences I’ve encountered thus far- from obnoxiously obvious to so minuscule they could have been missed- there are two which remain evermore prominent. I’ve been anxiously waiting to open the window to share these previews with you.
So it began when I had my first ever encounter with a psychic nearly a month ago.
This was something I’d always wanted to try! But I wasn’t about to pop in off the street to any place with a tacky neon sign and a crystal ball. I wanted the real deal. Thankfully, I had solid guidance for my first experience.

Gratitude for that goes to my beyond spectacular boss as she’d encouraged me to check out a one year anniversary party at her store in Fred Segal’s Sunset location. So, in the midst of a really frustrating apartment search, a wonderful friend and I went up to Fred Segal to visit and help celebrate this impressive accomplishment.
Once we arrived and had greeted the beautiful soul and female entrepreneur boss/friend, we wandered through stacks of ridiculous clothing and explored free things going on (because who can drop $700 on a jacket? Or sequined shorts?) From holding puppies to sipping rose, my friend and I scoped out the different shops as we waited.
We’d been added to the waiting list for the psychic upon arrival, and although I knew she’d be there, I hadn’t expected we’d get a session spot after hearing my boss describe this woman and her talent. See, she’d met this woman unintentionally when she’d wondered into the store where I’m currently working. The story my boss told of the coincidental encounter gave me absolute chills, so I was a bit nervous for it to come my turn. Who had a message for me?
Well, no one. HA! Nevertheless, it was an experience that’s still lingering weeks later.
After first overseeing my friend’s mind blowing session with Shirley the Psychic, it was my turn in the hot seat.
Now here are blurbs of what I’ve chosen to share from my experience…
First off, barely a second before my butt hit the chair before her, Shirley blurted “you’re a dancer.” Immediately blown away I uttered, “what?” and she confirmed “You’re a dancer. You sat down and my first thought was she’s a fucking dancer.” Oh yeah, so aside from her supernatural abilities, Shirley’s personality is the real deal making it more enjoyable as you open yourself up to this vulnerable state.
Along with this initial intuition, Shirley stated this is what she felt most strongly about me. She claimed to be picking up a 1920’s dancer vibe and kept mentioning the name Ellen Powell. Meanwhile, I brought up my love for dance fitness and how I was leaning in that direction career wise. Shirley told me to follow it. This was my path, and I would be creating something that has yet to be seen. I’ve known this. I’ve known for a long time in my gut that I’d create something all my own. I just didn’t know what or how or how I would share it.
So, while already baffled by this, I couldn’t help but feel a familiar uneasiness and cautiousness towards the title in regard to my dance ability. I’m not professionally trained. I’ve never had a single ballet class. I forget to point my toes always. But that. one. moment- it changed how I felt about putting myself in that category.
Carrying on, Shirley claimed she felt another intuition (or vibe kinda deal- I can’t remember what she called it), and it was almost as strong as the dance business. She questioned whether I’d just ended a relationship on very good terms. I laughed, of course, because definitely no. But she felt it so strongly and was very confused. It wasn’t until later on that I’d conclude how right she had been with her messages from “the field.” It just wasn’t a romantic-type relationship we’d both assumed. Although, I will apparently be in a relationship in the next six months. She must have meant a pet and owner type relationship because honestly what else?

For the remainder of my session, what was said could come across as very general. Nothing too personal or outstanding, which is why I wasn’t sure what to share. However, Shirley’s perceptions mattered very much to me. Like, how she spoke about my very deep, to the core type intuition and how I feel things so intensely. She mentioned my interests in new people, things and ideas and my sense of loneliness and my fearful energy surrounding what I shared was my recent relocation.
Her ability to read that mattered to me. It mattered a great deal because I’ve never felt more understood. Ever. In my life. I know these are common experiences and traits, but it was how Shirley spoke to me and the connection in that moment where I first thought “ohmygod. Someone gets me. Someone gets me in many of the ways I thought I’d never reveal myself. And, I’ve never shared anything with this person.”
Then came the topic of my guardedness. How tightly I close myself off to keep from sharing myself and/or my feelings. I’ve known this my whole life, and I believe that’s why my reading didn’t go as deeply as others.
In those short but emotionally intense eight minutes, I felt like I’d been cracked open. But I also felt like I had a purpose. I had a destination. I was a dancer.
Man, I still can’t get those words out of my head: You’re a dancer.
If all of that (and more) took place in minutes, I cannot wait for a full reading some day. If you’ve ever had interest in seeing a psychic, do it. Do your research. Check out Shirley’s yelp reviews and find someone as extraordinarily gifted and go with your mind open. It will all click. You’ll see this preview into your life upon realizing it’s been in your imagination all along.
PHEW! Ok, that was part one. Allow me to now swiftly transition into a related experience which occurred a few days into the same week. I promise the relation is as deeply fascinating as it is comical, ok?

I bring you now to the set of Steve.

How the heck did these three crazies end up with front row seats at Universal Studios for nine hours and two tapings of Steve Harvey’s talk show?
It probably had to do with Paula Abdul.
Four hours of sleep. Three hours just waiting outside. Six hours of segments (and Paula’s was the first of the entire day, go figure) which would be cut into two cleanly produced shows. You think we’d be used to these seemingly insane situations which we sign ourselves up for time after time. Ask these tired faces.
At least we got DOZENS of shining moments that appeared on a small screen near you. Like…

Was it worth it, you’re wondering? You should probably ask the Mexican who crossed the border and drove all the way up here and back in those 24 hours. Hint: She’ll say yes. However, it wasn’t because of our girl.
It was Steve.
Steve Harvey took the whole audience to church. All day. He talked to us when the cameras weren’t rolling. The sharing of his inspirational story (from losing everything he had twice and living in a car for three years), telling funny tales (of how he’s only a level 2 Christian or that time he went to the wrong funeral) and mocking his producer (poor Tyrell. He just likes shrimp) kept each segment rolling into the next. What a genuinely insightful and passionate human though. The real deal.
However, as the last segment cut, he made it clear this wasn’t how we were leaving things. This poor man, who had taped four shows total that day (and was as ready to get the hell out of there as we were), kept going. 15, 20, maybe even 30 minutes later- I don’t know I was so drawn in. I wish I could remember exactly what he said and how it all came about, but I’ll try to explain the highlights that stuck with me as best as I can.
I believe it started with a quote:

(And, yes, that’s where my title came from. I plagiarized Einstein.) Steve repeated these words over and over. Emphasizing the meaning of the individual words. Explaining that we see things- things we want, places we want to go, people we want to become- because they are our reality. Now, he did reference God and connected this piece of scripture to Einstein’s words.

However, I’m trying to explain this with the least amount of religious-ness involved so that it’s relatable for anyone and everyone. So, choose whatever being or force or energy suits you and it works all the same. Basically, whatever source that may be is giving you these visions, or “previews,” because they are your reality. You’re capable of whatever you see in your mind. These visions coming from that being, energy, etc. are not there to tease you but to motivate you toward your purpose. Sadly, many do not pursue these previews because it takes work.
Two examples to demonstrate my words here:
1. From the age of 10, Steve knew that he wanted to be on TV. He was shamed in front of his entire classroom for this. For the fact that he had a stutter and that he didn’t know anyone on TV who could help him get there. The story of how horribly his teacher shamed him for this dream and tore him apart in front of other kids broke my heart. But he saw it. He saw himself on TV. And now, he has a talk show. He has many shows, and there’s hardly a time where he’s not on TV. Steve pursued his vision despite all of the necessary work.
2. Me. I’m in LA. My years of envisioning a visit got me here initially, and now I’m chasing what I imagine living out here to be. I felt the energy drawing me in so strongly that it didn’t take too long to commit to whatever work, time and energy was necessary for this to happen. I’ve known it was in my head for a reason, and here I am in search of that reason. Whatever happens here in sunny CA is apart of the greatness I can achieve by following the visions I’m given and the energy I let guide me.
Steve’s words got me deep. We made eye contact a few times, but it felt like he was speaking to me the entire time. Especially when he spoke of the haters and the naysayers and having to listen to people try to shoot down your dreams as his teacher did years ago. That’s another reason so many stray from their visions. It’s tough to hear the negativity from those closest to you. It’s more comfortable to give up.
Giving up is easy. Especially when there are obstacles. I mentioned Steve’s story of being homeless, living in a car for years, and losing everything he had twice. But he stayed the course. He rode it out by trusting that it was a part of the process. And those are the people who make it. The ones who stay the course not only when things are a little tough, but when shit really hits the fan. The ones who believe the destination is already set and this is just a part of the ride.
I wish I could relay these words in a way that drove them home as Steve did. The audience was silent. My friends and I were in tears. Steve broke down. The three of us looked at one another as the set was being cleared and the stands were emptying out and agreed that we were supposed to be there. The uncertainty and hassle before arriving at the show along with the fact that not only did we not get to hug Paula but she was only there for the first 30 minutes of the eight hour day carried questions of why we’d bothered. However, as we walked out of there, we knew. The teacher gained a new perspective on the impact she could have on her students. The LA dream chasers got the reassurance that our crazy visions for our lives out here were leading us to something bigger than we could imagine if we stayed the course.
We didn’t necessarily walk out with what we had come for. Instead, we left with exactly what we needed.

After such an unexpectedly magical, exhausting and emotional day that resulted in starvation, a little emotional eating was in order.
(My first In N Out since the move so the go big or go home was justified)
Now, before I end this, I need to make sure you understand how my brain tied together the experience at Steve with the psychic’s words.
From both of these extraordinary beings, I felt validation that big things are in store for me. As previously mentioned, I’ve always felt this. Hearing it from outside sources though intensified that. It assured me that, even though finding a home has been immeasurably exhausting (still going on, btw), and although I’ve had some pretty intense moments of homesickness and wanting to go back to life being less overwhelming, I have to stay the course. I can’t give up. No matter what. I have to see the vision through for the magnificent destination that awaits. It might mean transforming the world of dance fitness in some way per Shirley’s words. I’m taking that as the arrow pointing me in a direction. A place to start. A focus.
It was a truly powerful week, and there has been a shift in my energy ever since. At that moment, these two experiences were exactly what I needed, and I feel the need to spread Steve’s words as much as possible.
Your imagination isn’t a fantasy world.
Stay the course.
Trust your visions.
Work for them.
Lastly, I’m going to leave this in case anyone wants a true feel for the energy that Steve brought that night. The video below was not from our taping, but Steve’s words are so similar. He spoke with the same fiery passion and faith. I encourage you to experience at least a few minutes. And to take your imagination more seriously.
